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Welcome to inSilver!


Welcome to inSilver! This is my new website! Eeeeek!

It is fair to say that I'm pretty excited about all of this.

I started my jewellery career with Silver Shadows Jewellery way back, after completing my college course when I was making contemporary jewellery. Turn the clock forward a few years, children appeared and they weren't really compatable with expensive bendy silver wire, flames for soldering, sharp saw blades or standing for hours at shows selling and promoting my jewellery. My much loved career became a hobby on the back burner and it was sadly missed!

Gradually the children grew and my quality workbench time started to flourish once again. I became curious about the popularity of  handprint jewellery and having the necessary knowledge, I made my first pendant using handprints from my two daughters. This became a new business 'Silver Handprints' also incorporating fingerprint jewellery and Works of Art jewellery. There was a rising demand for paw print jewellery, which I felt should be separate to Silver Handprints - so 'Silver Paws' was created!

All three businesses were ticking over quite nicely but I was spending a lot of time on admin, whether it was website updates or stuff on social media, it all took me away from my workbench so:

This Aimi 🙂 turned into this Aimi 🙁

Help was at hand from Nigel, Director of Cardboard Zebra - creator of the Silver Handprints and Silver Paws websites. He put me in contact with a Mark Shayler, a marketing genius who gave me lots of useful advice and suggested putting all sites into one! Amazing! Not so obvious to me and I have to say I wasn't struck on the idea at first, but it grew on me. My family and I brainstormed what this new business could be called, I had Silver Shadows, Silver Handprints and Silver Paws. My dad suggested 'inSilver'. So simple, but does exactly what it says on the tin! The web name was swiftly purchased, more creative meetings were arranged with Nigel and Vicky (Cardboard Zebra) to discuss the 'way forward' and how the site could look. It was all becoming exciting as the inSilver website developed, it has a lot of influences from my special friends and contacts. Talented photographer Mark Gemmell, was enlisted and has captured some amazing shots - especially as I hate being on the opposite side of the camera! My lovely friend Pam Hall was a joy to have as my jewellery student for the photoshoot too.

I want to give HUGE THANKS to all that have been involved.

I think it is fair to say that the inSilver site is exactly what I hoped it would be!

A part of me that reflects my style,

my creativity

and my love for my job,

which makes me do this 🙂 🙂 🙂

Aimi x

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